Scheduling Inspections Quickly

With the housing market being so hot right now, I know sometimes it’s tempting to skip the inspection to (hopefully) close the deal.  That’s taking a gamble, we all know that.  In a quick Google search here’s just a few of the recent articles that came up about the topic:

>Should you waive a home inspection? Real estate experts say no.

>More Buyers Are Skipping Home Inspections. Tales of Bats, Termites and Asbestos Should Make You Think Twice.
>In risky move, buyers waive inspections in red hot Twin Cities home market.

"I believe that you always need an inspection, you never know what you can not see with your eyes.  I have seen beautiful homes with 60 pages for the inspection." - Rhonda Buckner

"I understand competition is fierce on listings right now and I’m working hard to do anything I possibly can to get the inspection performed quickly so you can proceed with the transaction.  In a market like this flexibility is key and that’s the approach we are taking. " -  Terry Boring

Questions?  Call Strategic Home Inspections anytime and they will be happy to answer questions.  352-867-7625